Search for "FRANCE" returned 14 matches
The 2024 European Anti-SLAPP Conference, co-organized by the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE), the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), and the Council of Europe, will be held on November 14, 2024, in Strasbourg, France
The partners from the MFRR consortium publish the latest edition of its Monitoring Report which documents press freedom violations from January to December 2023
Content published online in one state can produce effects on an unlimited number of persons. An allegedly defamatory statement can therefore be claimed to have produced damage in several states, which may result in complex international legal disputes
This 2019 Annual Report by 12 Council of Europe partner organisations portrays the situation of the media environment in Europe, highlighting its most problematic aspects and their causes. It also provides an in-depth look into particular issues or countries and recommendations to ensure a better media environment
This report explores the critical role of the Public Service Media (PSM) in counteracting the widespread phenomenon of information disorder, calling for a joint action among relevant actors and highlighting core novel “best practices” and activities undertaken by public service media organizations worldwide
The report surveys over 3,000 media freedom incidents documented by Index on Censorship’s “Mapping Media Freedom” (MMF) project since May 2014 with a view to outlining key trends and categories
The joint report by the French Policy Planning Staff (CAPS) of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM) of the Ministry for the Armed Forces aims at developing a better understanding of the issue, mainly focusing on information manipulation orchestrated by States and whose purpose is to weaken democratic debate in other States
This synopsis report presents the major points emerged from the public consultation on fake news and online disinformation held by the European Commission
The report, written for English PEN by two human rights experts, provides an overview of the state of freedom of expression in Turkey after the attempted coup in July 2016 and engages in a critical evaluation of the violations of the rights of writers, publishers, academics and within academic institutions
The article provides a first taxonomy of anti-fake news approaches, arguing that contrasting the phenomenon with news laws could aggravate its root causes