Search for "HUNGARY" returned 16 matches

MFRR Monitoring Report 2023 - Reports

The partners from the MFRR consortium publish the latest edition of its Monitoring Report which documents press freedom violations from January to December 2023

Nations in Transit 2023: War Deepens a Regional Divide - Reports

The latest Freedom House's 2023 Nations in Transit is out. It examines the level of democratic governance across Central Europe to Central Asia

Liberties Rule of Law Report 2022 - Reports

The Liberties Rule of Law Report 2022 is the third annual report on the state of rule of law in the European Union, presenting country and trend reports on democratic records by civil society organisations across the European Union. Published by the Civil Liberties Union for Europe, it provides information and analysis from the ground of the state of the rule of law in 17 EU countries

Briefing: Media Freedom Violations in the EU under COVID-19 - Reports

An overview of media freedom violations registered in several EU Member States and Candidate Countries since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the continent in late February 2020

Media Capture in Europe - Reports

An accurate overview on the worrying media capture phenomenon that is occurring in Europe, and mostly in its Eastern part, with useful theoretical instruments to understand several dangerous forms of interference in the media sphere

Democracy at Risk: Threats and Attacks Against Media Freedom in Europe. Annual Report 2019 - Reports

This 2019 Annual Report by 12 Council of Europe partner organisations portrays the situation of the media environment in Europe, highlighting its most problematic aspects and their causes. It also provides an in-depth look into particular issues or countries and recommendations to ensure a better media environment

Civil Defamation and Media Freedom in Hungary - Reports

A study about legislation and case law after the adoption of a new Civil Code in 2014 which introduced restitution (financial compensation) instead of non-pecuniary damages. How these changes affect journalists and freedom of expression in a system where legislative texts are very succinctly worded

The Expression Agenda 2017/2018. The state of freedom of expression around the world - Reports

ARTICLE 19 report shows sharp decline in global freedom of expression since 2014, and a continuous decline over ten years

Demonising the media: Threats to journalists in Europe - Reports

The report surveys over 3,000 media freedom incidents documented by Index on Censorship’s “Mapping Media Freedom” (MMF) project since May 2014 with a view to outlining key trends and categories

DRI - Disinformation Resilience in Central and Eastern Europe - Reports

An extensive research aimed at assessing national vulnerabilities and preparedness to adequately react to foreign-led disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe