Search for "HUNGARY" returned 3 matches

Hungary: State advertising in media, 2006-2016 Thursday 27 April 2017 - Infographic


-2016 and examines how individual interest groups and groups of owners have claimed this type of public funding during the time investigated. As pointed out by the graphs, state advertising spending in Hungary ... Hungary: State advertising in media, 2006-2016 ... Hungary, Media_funding, Political_pressure ... Hungary Media_funding Political_pressure ... Hungary: State advertising in media, 2006-2016

Access Info Europe: Accessing companies registers #3 Tuesday 02 February 2016 - Infographic


individual company record and the entire database. Out of the 29 countries considered, 9 countries give access to individual company records for free: Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Montenegro

Europe’s journalists subjected to increasing levels of harassment Friday 22 January 2016 - Infographic


  This infographics offers a visual representation of the outcomes of the monitoring activity conducted by Index on Censorship’s Mapping Media Freedom project. Turkey, Italy and Hungary appear