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Search for "ad-blocking" returned 11 matches

Freedom on the Net 2021 - Reports

The yearly report by Freedom House confirms that the global internet freedom has declined for the 11th consecutive year

Journalists and Online Harassment - Reports

The report provides a definition of online harassment and identifies ways for journalists to respond

Encryption and Anonymity follow-up report - Reports

After three years, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression David Kaye authored an update to the 2015 Report on Encryption and Anonymity, addressing trends in state restrictions and the role of corporations

Turkey: the legality of post-coup actions and the use of Bylock App as evidence in trials - Legal Resources

An opinion on the legality of the Turkish state's reactions following the 2016 attempted coup and of the controversial use of certain facts as evidences of support or membership to a terrorist organization

Respect my net - Campaigns

European organizations dealing with digital rights are supporting an online platform to report Net Neutrality violations

Encryption under Threat - Reports

Increasingly, cybersecurity and privacy are undermined in the name of security, for example tackling encryption tools. A report by the German Institute for International and Security Affairs explains why Germany should oppose this trend

Open Observatory of Network Interference - Datasets

The Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) is a free software project which aims to detect internet censorship, traffic manipulation and signs of surveillance around the world through the collection and processing of network measurements

Attacks on the Press: The New Face of Censorship - Books

The 2017 edition of CPJ's annual report on press conditions worldwide focuses on the new challenges and forms of censorship, which are becoming increasingly serious for journalists and media

Turkey Blocks - Monitoring tool

Turkey Blocks is a realtime feed of live data on large-scale blocking, throttling and internet shutdown incidents: Turkey's digital censorship observatory

Online Media Autonomy: Security Risks and Protection Mechanisms. Walking on the Digital Edge - Reports

The Guide “Online Media Autonomy: Security Risks and Protection Mechanisms. Walking on the Digital Edge” by Share Foundation assesses the conditions of online media and journalists in the Serbian digital environment