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Search for "central_america" returned 13 matches

Online and Newsworthy: Have Online Sources Changed Journalism? - Academic Sources

This special issue combines insights from seven studies, integrating key findings to advance the understanding of the use of online sources in the news production process, the change of the relationship between journalists and different groups of actors; and the reasons for the use of online sources during journalists’ daily work and the verification of these sources

DRI - Disinformation Resilience in Central and Eastern Europe - Reports

An extensive research aimed at assessing national vulnerabilities and preparedness to adequately react to foreign-led disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe

News in Social Media - Academic Sources

The article analyses news-gathering on social media, focusing on theories of opinion leaders and the concept of incidental news consumption. The research uses a combination of representative survey data and qualitative interviews with young people aged 16–19 in Sweden

Going Digital. A roadmap for organisational transformation - Reports

Two decades after the emergence of the Internet, what can be learned from those media companies that have managed to drive the change?

Online course "Product Management for Journalists" - Training

A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) offered by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas 

Promoting editorial independence in the newsroom - Training

A two-day workshop in Brussels to promote quality journalism through the exchange of best practices among journalists in EU countries, with a specific focus on Southern and Central Eastern Europe

EFJ Workshop "Promoting editorial independence in the newsroom" - Opportunities

A two-day workshop in Brussels to promote quality journalism through the exchange of best practices among journalists in EU countries, with a specific focus on Southern and Central Eastern Europe

Training course: European Journalism in the Digital Age - Opportunities

The Center for Media, Data and Society at the Central European University (Budapest) and SHARE Foundation (Novi Sad) invite applications for a “hybrid-style” training covering the challenges for watchdog journalism in the digital age

Being a Journalist in Bulgaria: The State of the Profession - Reports

The first report analyzing the journalistic profession in Bulgaria with the help of media anthropology

Press freedom in 'post-democracy' Greece - Reports

Nine journalists were sanctioned by the Disciplinary Board of the Journalists’ Union of Athens following an investigation into the skewed coverage of the bailout referendum of July 2015. However, the issue is structural and involves the way mainstream media have been covering the financial crisis and austerity policy for several years