Search civil-19

Search for "civil-19" returned 23 matches

The State of Democracy in 2021 - Reports

The report monitors ten issues that are essential for evaluating the state of democracy and rule of law in a country. Among them, it analyses access to information of public interest, public media funding, threats and harassment against journalists and activists, freedom of association and of assembly in Romania

Safety of Journalists and the Fighting of Corruption in the EU - Reports

A study commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee (Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) examines the chilling effect of crimes and threats against media workers, exploring regulatory and other measures to counter the phenomenon

Briefing: Media Freedom Violations in the EU under COVID-19 - Reports

An overview of media freedom violations registered in several EU Member States and Candidate Countries since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the continent in late February 2020

Freedom on the Net 2018 - The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism - Reports

Covering 87% of the world’s Internet users, Freedom on the Net is a study of Internet freedom in 65 countries around the globe that tracks improvements and declines in Internet freedom conditions each year

World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development - Global Report 2017-2018 - Reports

A global report by UNESCO analyses the key trends in media freedom, media pluralism, media independence, and the safety of journalists at the global and regional level

Freedom of the Net 2017: Manipulating Social Media to Undermine Democracy - Reports

A comprehensive study of internet freedom in 65 countries, covering 87 percent of the world’s internet users: Freedom of the Net warns that governments around the world have dramatically increased their efforts to manipulate information on social media over the past year

Freedom on the Net 2017: Turkey Country Report - Reports

Although Internet freedom in Turkey has been gradually decreasing over the last years, it went through a sharp decline in 2017

ECPMF Conference e-book: Introduction, presentations, and conclusions - Reports

A conference report collecting the materials of the conference "Promoting dialogue between the European Court of Human Rights and the media freedom community" of March 2017

Protecting Whistleblowers in Southeast Europe: a review of policies, cases and initiatives - Reports

Despite ongoing progress in protecting whistleblowers in Southeast Europe, much remains to be done to ensure that citizens and employees who report misconduct do not suffer retaliation

The Expression Agenda - Report 2016/2017 - Reports

Article 19 has joined the social science database V-Dem to launch a unique, authoritative assessment of freedom of expression and information worldwide