Search data_visualization

Search for "data_visualization" returned 4 matches

Why fund Publice Service Media with the licence fee? Monday 29 October 2018 - Infographic


Licence fees remain the main source of funding (63.2%) for Public Service Media (PSM) in 27 out of 56 European countries. Using data provided by PSM organizations that are members of the European

The trust gap between broadcast and new media Thursday 08 March 2018 - Infographic


The EBU report "Trust in Media 2017" is based on data published in the 86th Eurobarometer survey which consists of around 1000 face-to-face interviews in EU Member States as well as acceding

Consolidation of broadcasting groups across Europe Monday 15 May 2017 - Infographic


of the eleven major pan-European groups according to Mavise data. These visuzilizations have been developed by Italian datajournalist Lelio Simi as part of the preparatory work for the panel "Visualizing media ... Media_ownership Media_pluralism Council of Europe Member States Data_journalism

Which media do European citizens trust the most? Thursday 08 September 2016 - Infographic


 Based on the data published in the 84th Eurobarometer survey, presented in the EBU report Trust in Media 2016, this infographics visualizes the level of trust towards different types of media in EU