Search defamation_and_libel

Search for "defamation_and_libel" returned 8 matches

Safety of Journalists and the Fighting of Corruption in the EU - Reports

A study commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee (Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) examines the chilling effect of crimes and threats against media workers, exploring regulatory and other measures to counter the phenomenon

Civil Defamation and Media Freedom in Hungary - Reports

A study about legislation and case law after the adoption of a new Civil Code in 2014 which introduced restitution (financial compensation) instead of non-pecuniary damages. How these changes affect journalists and freedom of expression in a system where legislative texts are very succinctly worded

Pihl v. Sweden: Pushing Online Intermediaries Towards Private Censorship and Deanonymisation? - Legal Resources

The recent decision by the ECtHR in Pihl v. Sweden marks a new step in the definition of the emerging jurisprudence on liability of online intermediaries

Training course: European Journalism in the Digital Age - Opportunities

The Center for Media, Data and Society at the Central European University (Budapest) and SHARE Foundation (Novi Sad) invite applications for a “hybrid-style” training covering the challenges for watchdog journalism in the digital age

Attacks against journalists and media freedom in Europe - Reports

A review of major violations recorded by the Council of Europe “Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists” shows worrying trends particularly in countries affected by conflict and unrest

ECtHR ruling in Delfi and MTE cases: More Questions Than Answers - Legal Resources

The role of online news portals as intermediaries and their liability for user-generated content has been at the centre of two recent ECtHR cases (DELFI and MTE). Divergent outcomes leave room for many questions

Criminal Defamation Laws in Europe - Reports

Germany revealed as leading user of criminal defamation laws among 18 countries surveyed by the International Press Institute

Freedom on the net 2014 - Reports

The report Freedom of the net 2014, by Freedom House, reveals how internet freedom around the world has declined for the fourth consecutive year, with a growing number of countries introducing online censorship and monitoring practices