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Search for "defamation_and_libel" returned 60 matches

CASE Guidebook – How to prevent SLAPPs or get help if it's too late - Reports

The Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe - CASE - published a guidebook directed at NGOs, media outlets or individual authors helping them to navigate the perils of the SLAPP phenomenon

Silencing the Fourth Estate: Italy’s Democratic Drift - Reports

The Media Freedom Rapid Response published the final report of the advocacy mission that took place in May 2024 in Rome

2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Bosnia and Herzegovina - Reports

The 2023 Country Report on Human Rights Practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina provides a thorough examination of human rights cases and violations occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout last year

Open SLAPP Cases in 2022 and 2023 - The Incidence of Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, and Regulatory Responses in the European Union - Reports

This research, commissioned by the Committee of Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament, aims to analyze SLAPP cases and threats initiated between 2022 and 2023

Media Pluralism Monitor 2023 - Reports

The report analyses the risks and gives recommendations regarding media pluralism in the 27 Member States of the EU and in 5 candidate countries for 2022

Media Freedom in North Macedonia: fragile progress - Reports

From 5-7 June 2023, OBCT joined MFRR partners in a fact-finding mission in North Macedonia organised by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia. This report presents the key findings and recommendations stemming from that mission

For a transnational anti-SLAPP network: countering gags on public participation - Reports

On October 16, 2023, the first public event of CASE Italia dedicated to countering SLAPPs took place in Rome. Speakers included journalists, activists, experts in the field, and representatives of a range of organisations advocating for freedom of expression

2023 Rule of Law Report - Reports

The 2023 Rule of Law report monitors the main developments in the rule of law that occurred over the past year in the European Union and its 27 member states

Italian civil society organisations take part in parliamentary consultations on defamation reform - Reports

Last month, the Italian anti-SLAPP working group submitted its written contribution to the Justice Commission of the Senate which had opened public consultations on a number of bills designed to amend defamation provisions of the Italian criminal and civil codes

Bosnia and Herzegovina: On the Amendments on Criminal Libel in the Legislation of Republika Srpska - Reports

In this legal analysis, ARTICLE 19 assesses the proposed amendments to the Criminal Code of Republika Srpska on re-introducing criminal penalties for defamation, insult, and other similar provisions