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Search for "digital_safety" returned 21 matches

Italy: MFRR calls for full transparency after Fanpage editor-in-chief surveilled with spyware technology - Article

The partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today urge Italian authorities to shed full light on the recent surveillance of an editor-in-chief in Italy and others using spyware technology developed by Israeli firm Paragon Solutions. 

Condemnation of legal threats against Danwatch by Ingosstrakh and ELWI - Article

OBCT joins free expression organizations in denouncing legal threats issued by a Moscow-based law firm against the Danish investigative media outlet Danwatch

Press freedom groups in solidarity with journalists and media in Georgia - Article

The undersigned press freedom, freedom of expression, media, journalists and human rights organisations express solidarity towards journalists and media in Georgia

Bosnia and Herzegovina: MFRR and SafeJournalists urgently call for stronger protection for journalist Nataša Miljanović Zubac - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners together with the SafeJournalists Network (SJN) firmly call for thorough and swift investigations into numerous threats against Nataša Miljanović Zubac, journalist for the Radio Television of Republika Srpska (RTRS)

Press freedom organizations condemn attacks on journalists during Bulgaria’s parliamentary elections - Article

The undersigned press freedom, freedom of expression and journalists’ organizations strongly condemn the four cases of violence and intimidation against Bulgarian journalists covering the parliamentary elections held on October 27

Spain: barrage of online intimidation against journalists threatens safety - Article

CEO threatens journalists investigating his eviction company’s practices

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium condemns the online intimidation of investigative journalists working for La Sexta TV by Daniel Esteve, CEO of the eviction company Desokupa. Esteve's harassment and threats to reveal personal information put the journalists’ safety at great risk. We call on the Spanish authorities to take immediate action to protect them.

Media freedom groups alarmed by escalating death threats against journalist Murat Ağırel - Article

Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) and undersigned press freedom and freedom of expression groups strongly condemn the ongoing and intensifying threats against prominent Turkish journalist Murat Ağırel.

Croatia: International fact-finding mission to assess status of press freedom - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners will conduct an international mission to assess the current state of press freedom and safety of journalists in Croatia. The mission will take place online between 9 and 20 September 2024

France: Media freedom coalition condemns Vivendi’s disinformation campaign against Reporters Without Borders - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners strongly condemn the cyber disinformation campaign against the press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

Who ordered Greek journalist’s murder? - Article

Karaivaz suspected hitmen’s trial to start amid quest for instigators