Search european_policies_and_legislation

Search for "european_policies_and_legislation" returned 6 matches

Whistleblowing in Italy: a conference - Article

Whistleblowing is a phenomenon that touches different worlds: from psychology to the media, from trade unions to civil society, from the role of the individual to the political responsibilities of the state. OBCT will participate in a panel of the conference dedicated to SLAPPs

Italy, journalism and the rule of law - Article

In a country where media freedom and pluralism are formally protected by a solid legislative framework, the ability of journalists to conduct their investigative work still faces several challenges. We discussed these issues in an interview with Lorenzo Bagnoli, IrpiMedia journalist

by Maria Francesca Rita

EVENT – Call to action: Whistleblower protection across the EU - Article

In 2019 the European Union adopted a ground-breaking Directive to ensure comprehensive and coherent protection of whistleblowers across Europe. Join us to learn about why the transposition of this EU Directive matters to you! 

Whistleblower protections: a letter to Ukraine - Article

We co-signed the letter to President Zelensky to support the  efforts of civil society in Ukraine to block the dangerous amendments to the whistleblower protections

Extradition proceedings against Jonathan Taylor need to end! - Article

A wide range of organisations calls on Croatia and Monaco to end extradition proceedings and asks the European Parliament to condemn the ongoing harassment of such an important whistleblower

Whistleblowers: looking for European protection - Article

The second of a series of three thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents.
 Photo fillingthev0id CC BY-NC 2.0