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Search for "human rights" returned 9 matches

Free Speech. A History from Socrates to Social Media, by Jacob Mchangama - Books

“The best history of free speech ever written and the best defense of free speech ever made.” —P.J. O’Rourke

The Free Speech Century - Books

In The Free Speech Century, two of America's leading First Amendment scholars, Lee C. Bollinger and Geoffrey R. Stone, have gathered a group of the nation's leading constitutional scholars - Cass Sunstein, Lawrence Lessig, Laurence Tribe, Kathleen Sullivan, Catherine McKinnon, among others - to evaluate the evolution of free speech doctrine since Schenk and to assess where it might be headed in the future

Free European Media - 2018 Edition - Books

On 15 February 2018 in Gdansk (Poland) in the framework of an international conference, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) launched a new book called "Free European Media" addressing new challenges faced by journalists around Europe

Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights 2016 - Books

A structured insight into the European Court of Human Rights’ case-law on freedom of expression and media and journalistic freedoms

Human Rights in a Positive State - Books

This book critically and comprehensively engages with the European Court of Human Rights’ positive obligations case law, including references to media law matters

Freedom of expression and media in transition: studies and reflections in the digital age - Books

Globalization and digitalization challenge our shared understanding of freedom of expression. This volume reflects on the role of media in a time of uncertainty

Journalism at risk. Threats, challenges and perspectives - Books

Journalism at Risk is a new book from the Council of Europe, in which ten experts from different backgrounds examine the role of journalism in democratic societies; - available as hard copy or e-book

Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights 2015 - Books

A structured insight into the European Court of Human Rights’ case-law on freedom of expression and media and journalistic freedoms 

Media freedom and pluralism. Media policy challenges in the Enlarged Europe - Books

Media freedom and pluralism by Beata Klimkiewicz provides a critical analysis of major issues and challenges for media policy in the European Union and Council of Europe member states, at times in which media environments and regulations are undergoing deep transformations