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Search for "hungary" returned 8 matches

Greece: Full scale of surveillance on journalists must be unearthed - Article

MFRR partners back calls for the testing of mobile devices belonging to journalists in Greece who suspect they may have been targets of surveillance. The recent scandals require full transparency and accountability, and have underscored deepening concerns about the erosion of media freedom under the New Democracy government

Serbia: REM’s awarding of TV licences underscores media pluralism and media diversity failure - Article

The decision made by the Serbia’s Regulatory Body for Electronic Media to award four national FTA TV licences to pro-government outlets perpetuates a deeply unbalanced commercial broadcast media market and is another example of the authority’s failure to protect media diversity and pluralism in Serbia

No lockdown for press freedom: misuse of Corona crisis to silence journalism in Europe - HTML5 video

A virtual talk that explores how the emergency measures for COVID-19 pandemic are affecting media freedom in Europe

The Expression Agenda 2017/2018. The state of freedom of expression around the world - Reports

ARTICLE 19 report shows sharp decline in global freedom of expression since 2014, and a continuous decline over ten years

Council of Europe Recommendation on media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy - Reports

The Council of Europe has issued guidelines to its 47 member states in order to promote media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy

Restrictions on parliamentary reporting violates free expression: MLDI files intervention at European Court - Legal Resources

MLDI and four other NGOs have filed a third-party intervention in the European Court of Human Rights case of Iván Szabolcs Mándli and Others v. Hungary. The Court will examine the circumstances under which journalists may be forbidden from entering and reporting from public fora, such as parliamentary premises

Reporters Without Borders - Press Freedom Index - Indexes

Published every year since 2002 by Reporters Without Borders (RWB), the World Press Freedom Index ranks 180 countries according to the level of freedom available to journalists

Making budgets attractive. Best practices from governments’ financial transparency portals - Reports sheds light on the best practices and needs of governments providing open budget data, a crucial tool for financial transparency and journalistic investigation