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Search for "legal support" returned 14 matches

Fighting Words: Journalism Under Assault in Central and Eastern Europe - Reports

The report examines the state of press freedom in Central and Eastern Europe. Based on the results of a survey of almost a hundred journalists, the paper suggests possible measures to support independent journalism

Freedom and the Media: a Downward Spiral - Reports

The Freedom in the World report shows that free press is declining around the world and that this threatens the status of democracy. Freedom of the Media is under attack not only in historically Not Free countries, but also in some of the most influential Free democracies in the world

Civil Defamation and Media Freedom in Hungary - Reports

A study about legislation and case law after the adoption of a new Civil Code in 2014 which introduced restitution (financial compensation) instead of non-pecuniary damages. How these changes affect journalists and freedom of expression in a system where legislative texts are very succinctly worded

Democracy at Risk: Threats and Attacks Against Media Freedom in Europe. Annual Report 2019 - Reports

This 2019 Annual Report by 12 Council of Europe partner organisations portrays the situation of the media environment in Europe, highlighting its most problematic aspects and their causes. It also provides an in-depth look into particular issues or countries and recommendations to ensure a better media environment

Romania - Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2018 - Reports

The article aims to explore the changing environment around news in Romania, focusing mainly on television as the main source of information as well as on the increasingly-used mobile phone

Bulgaria 2017: State of Journalism and Freedom of Speech - Reports

The annual report by the Association of European Journalists highlights that the "culture of pressure" in Bulgarian media is on the rise

State Sponsored Trolling - Reports

The report published by the Institute for the Future explores how governments are deploying disinformation as part of broader digital harassment campaigns

Pluralism under attack: the assault on press freedom in Poland - Reports

Poland has recently emerged as a crucial battleground in the attempt by authoritarian-minded leaders to gain control over political discourse and erode media pluralism

Media manipulation and disinformation online - Reports

The report “Media manipulation and disinformation online” explores how Internet subcultures and radicalised groups, including far-right activists in the United States, exploit web opportunities to influence the mainstream media agenda

Montenegro Freedom of the Press 2016 - Reports

Freedom House Montenegro report for 2016 draws a comprehensive picture of the latest developments, taking into account the legal environment as well as political and economic interferences in the regular functioning of media