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European Media and Platform Policy (EuromediApp) - Stakeholders

European Media and Platform Policy (EuromediApp) is a Jean Monnet network dedicated to studying, analysing and discussing benefits and challenges of digital platforms in Europe and world-wide.

By bringing together knowledge and research capacity from all over Europe and beyond, EuromediApp provides space for national and transnational deliberation on how future digital services should and will be governed. Working papers, teaching material, workshops, conferences and dedicated schools for advanced students are our working tools.

EuromediApp operates for three years (2020 – 2023) along three modules:

  1. European political democracy (inclusion and exclusion, diversity and uniformity, trust and distrust);
  2. Quality of European (news) ecology, including journalism, individualised procedures of political information, populism, polarisation and depolarisation, personalisation, scandalisation, information/propaganda/misinformation; and
  3. European governance models of digital media and the internet by media/platform companies and governments, utopian and dystopian views of digital media and democracy.

Freedom on the Net 2021 - Reports

The yearly report by Freedom House confirms that the global internet freedom has declined for the 11th consecutive year

Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2021 - Reports

The 10th edition of the DNR covers 46 markets accounting for more than half the world’s population.

Shattered Dreams and Lost Opportunities. A year in the fight to #KeepItOn - Reports

This #KeepItOn report looks at incidents of internet shutdowns in 2020

Regardless of Frontiers. Global Freedom of Expression in a Troubled World - Books

A collection of essays where the authors also consider ongoing and new challenges to global norms on freedom of expression and information, from conflicts over hate speech and the rise of populism to authoritarian governments, as well as the profound disruption introduced by the internet

Webinar on infodemics - Training

The Forum on Information & Democracy organizes a one-hour webinar on January 27, 2021 at 3.00pm CET on: How to fight against infodemics? Who should turn off the power? What democratic control for the platforms?

Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2021 - Reports

Predictions and trends after a year of radical change due to the pandemic

PANDEMIC FOR DIGITAL RIGHTS. Central and Southeast Europe - Reports

The digital rights monitoring that SHARE Foundation has been running since 2014 expanded and included the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) to keep track of incidents in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Romania. This monitoring report covers the period from 31 January to 30 September 2020

IPI's "Digital Censorship: Turkey’s New Social Media Law and Its Implications for Free Media" (Aug 31, 2020) - HTML5 video

The IPI Turkish National Committee hosted the English-language webinar “Digital Censorship: Turkey’s New Social Media Law and Its Implications for Free Media” following the passage of Turkey’s controversial new social media regulations in July which dramatically expands government control over free expression on social media and online platforms

EngelliWeb 2019: An Iceberg of Unseen Internet Censorship in Turkey - Reports

Detailed statistical information in relation to blocked websites, news articles (URL-based), social media accounts and social media content for the 2007-2019 period