Search middle_east

Search for "middle_east" returned 6 matches

Urgent action is needed to address the financial deadlock facing Radio-Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Article

Today the partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) express concern at the critical financial situation facing Radio-Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BHRT)

Turkey: International groups condemn broadcast regulator role in punishing critical reporting ahead of elections - Article

OBCT joins press freedom and human rights organizations in condemning Turkey's broadcast regulator (RTÜK) for fining broadcasters for their critical reporting ahead of elections

Czech Republic: Media freedom groups urge MPs to pass media act amendment - Article

The passing of this reform package is needed to help protect independence of public broadcasters from future attacks. Czech translation is available below

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s national public broadcaster faces closure - Article

The EFJ, EBU and SEEMO have all called for an urgent resolution to save the national broadcaster and its workers from financial ruin

Urgent solution needed as Slovenian Press Agency funding crisis passes 250 days - Article

Several media freedom organizations and journlalists' unions call on UKOM and the government of Prime Minister Janša to immediately end the economic suffocation of the STA

Turkey: the Public Advertising Agency and bans implemented on newspapers - Article

20 international and local press freedom organisations and signatories are writing to the Public Advertising Agency (BIK) in Turkey in order to repeat the concerns about BIK’s criteria regarding the distribution of public advertisement and bans implemented on newspapers