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Search for "online news, business models" returned 112 matches

Albania: freedom of the press crushed by the weight of politics - Article

Almost non-existent professional ethics, capture of the media by politics and financial unsustainability are just some of the main issues that make the Albanian media landscape particularly alarming. An interview

By Luisa Chiodi

Originally published on OBCT , also available in ITA

Media Freedom Mission to Romania questions fairness of electoral coverage - Article

Urgent reform of political funding for ‘press and propaganda’ needed to end media dependency on political parties

Serbia: media independence is an exception rather than the rule - Article

Increasing political and financial pressure threatens the independence and editorial autonomy of many media outlets in Serbia. We interviewed Irina Milutinović, Senior Research Associate at the Institute of European Studies in Belgrade and co-author of the Country Report on Serbia of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2023

By Serena Epis

Originally published on OBCT , also available in ITA

North Macedonia, media and public funds - Article

In view of the upcoming political and presidential elections, the Macedonian government has reintroduced forms of public funding for the media. However, the country's media organisations argue that the move may aggravate the influence of political interests on news outlets

By Aleksandar Samardjiev 

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

Journo News Monitor: an AI-powered study on Turkey’s news media - Reports

Amidst significant technological advancements reshaping the media landscape, notably in Generative AI, Turkey's news media are grappled with mounting political pressure and contended with the adverse impacts of platforms on journalism. This report focuses toward two mediums, Turkish news websites and Google's search engine, as previous studies have identified them as the predominant digital channels for news in Turkey. The aim is to assess the potential biases in Google's algorithm and the coverage of news websites throughout 2023.

Voices Awards for Journalism: Call for entries - Article

A journalistic contest within the brand new festival on journalism and media literacy in Europe

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Media freedom in survival mode - Article

Following a press freedom mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina from 22-25 October 2023, the partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) warn that media freedom in the country is in decline against a backdrop of new restrictive laws, hostile rhetoric and denigration of journalists by public officials, and ongoing systemic challenges to the independence of public service media

Turkey: International groups alarmed by the targeting of journalist Alican Uludağ - Article

Authorities must take all measures to ensure safety of journalists

South Tyrol, journalism of "curiosity, enthusiasm, and tough skin" - Article

The acquittal of the authors of an investigative book on discontent within the majority party comes in a local context where the rule of law is severely tested by the interweaving of media concentration, economic interests, politics and business, family ties, and various anomalies

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

Public letter responding to the CULT draft report on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) - Article

Media Freedom Groups troubled with the CULT report on the EMFA proposal