Search professional 17journalism

Search for "professional 17journalism" returned 4 matches

Whistleblowing - Prof. Dirk Voorhoof at #ECPMF2016 Conference - HTML5 video

A detailed academic and practical insight by Professor Voorhoof into the case law of the ECtHR concerning access to information, protection of leaks, whistleblowing and journalists.

Panama Papers - Kristof Clerix at #ECPMF2016 Conference - HTML5 video

During the ECPMF Media Freedom Conference 2016 Kristof Clerix, journalists atKnack and ICIJ, spoke about the source protection in whistleblowing cases with a particular focus on Panama Papers

Recent developments of the ECtHR case law on freedom of expression - HTML5 video

An informative video presentation on the overview of the European Court of Human Rights case law concerning freedom of expression, media and journalism in 2015

Empowering investigative journalism through the right of access to information - HTML5 video

Why is the right of access to information important for journalism? Valuable arguments in this short video by Access Info Europe