Search professional journalism

Search for "professional journalism" returned 8 matches

Need of anonymous FOI applications for investigative journalism - Legal Resources

FOIAs are an important instrument for investigative journalists, who are however endangered by the lack of anonymity of the process to access public documents and can be subject to intimidations submitting their phone number and postal and home address

Media Coverage of Protests and Demonstrations - Legal Resources

A thematic fact-sheet by the Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists of the Council of Europe that discuss a number of ECtHR cases on the media coverage of protests and demonstrations

Legal Defence Centres Fighting for Press Freedom in Italy - Legal Resources

Ossigeno per l’Informazione and the Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights explain their work for journalists and non-profit associations who face legal charges or need legal assistance

The Russian VPN ban: another round in the battle for a free Internet - Legal Resources

In the Russian Federation, a new Law that prohibits anonymizers and VPN usage is to enter into force on 1 November 2017. What are VPNs and what does this law mean for freedom of expression? The author attempts to disentangle the technicalities at stake

Is the Ukrainian ban on Russian social media justified? - Legal Resources

The recent ban of Russian social media in Ukraine has provoked intense discussions. The author explores original Ukrainian-language documents to find out more about the official perspective on the ban

Freedom of expression: the crucial role of Strasbourg - Legal Resources

In Strasbourg on March 24th, judges, journalists, lawyers and activists discussed the challenges facing the protection of free expression in Europe

Orloskaya iskra v. Russia: Reporting in media during election campaign must be free from content restrictions - Legal Resources

Is it legitimate to restrict freedom of expression in time of elections? Can political journalism be hindered by electoral laws? ECtHR examined the question in this case, concluding in favor of freedom of the media

Resolution on the Ethics of Journalism (CoE) - Legal Resources

A 1993 Resolution by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe exploring different aspects of the ethics of journalism