Search romania

Search for "romania" returned 3 matches

PPF Group and media ownership: an exchange between MFRR and the company - Article

The prompt answer of international investment group PPF to the letter of concern signed by international press freedom organizations is quite generic and leaves many issues open, but it is a first step forward

APADOR-CH - Stakeholders

The Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Romania – the Helsinki Committee (APADOR-CH) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization, established in 1990. 

APADOR-CH’s Mission is to take action for the protection of human rights and the establishment of equilibrium when they are in danger or infringed upon.

APADOR-CH’s strategic objectives include protection of human rights, improvement of legislative framework regarding freedom of expression and the right to free assembly, increasing transparency and good governance and monitoring police abuses.

ActiveWatch Media Monitoring Agency - Stakeholders

ActiveWatch Media Monitoring Agency is a human rights organization based in Bucharest (Romania) that militates for free communication for public interest. ActiveWatch was founded in 1994 as a media monitoring department of the Catavencu Cultural Academy. It promotes 4 major directions of social intervention: good governance policies, freedom of expression, anti-discrimination and media education.