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Search for "self-censorship" returned 24 matches

Anti-SLAPP campaigners from across Europe stand in solidarity with the Russian dissident authors after an injunction was secured against their publ... - Article

Free expression organisations express their concern regarding the legal harassment of Russian émigrés investigative journalists

Will Russia’s independent journalism survive the Kremlin’s crackdown? - Article

A webinar organized by the International Press Institute in cooperation with fjum and Presseclub Concordia will tackle the issue of independent journalism in Russia while the regime is leading the war in Ukraine

Taking Control? Internet Censorship and Surveillance in Russia - Reports

A report by Reporters without Borders based on about 30 interviews with journalists, activists, lawyers and human rights defenders. It traces the development from the first bans on content in 2012 to Autumn 2019

Freedom and the Media: a Downward Spiral - Reports

The Freedom in the World report shows that free press is declining around the world and that this threatens the status of democracy. Freedom of the Media is under attack not only in historically Not Free countries, but also in some of the most influential Free democracies in the world

Weaponizing the Digital Influence Machine: The Political Perils of Online Ad Tech - Reports

Developments in technology have turned digital political advertising into a weapon which is dangerous to democracy, a report by Data & Society argues

Neutrollization: Industrialized trolling as a pro-Kremlin strategy of desecuritization - Academic Sources

This research paper, published on the Security Dialogue journal, identifies and discusses the practice of "neutrollization", a trolling practice aimed at neutralising civil society attempts to cast the Kremlin regime as a societal security threat

Online harassment of journalists: the trolls attack - Reports

This report by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) deals with online mass harassment of journalists by trolls

“Telegram” Block in Russia: the Wider Context - Legal Resources

Since mid-April 2018 the Russian authorities have, rather unsuccessfully so far, been attempting to block the “Telegram” messenger, which is an anonymous Internet communication tool. This brief item discusses the context and consequences of the decision

Is the EU Disinformation Review Compliant with EU Law? - Academic Sources

A complaint to the European Ombudsman about EU vs Disinfo

Free European Media - 2018 Edition - Books

On 15 February 2018 in Gdansk (Poland) in the framework of an international conference, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) launched a new book called "Free European Media" addressing new challenges faced by journalists around Europe