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Silencing the Fourth Estate: Italy’s democratic drift - Article

Media freedom coalition sounds the alarm on political meddling and legal threats to journalism

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MFRR to conduct an urgent mission to Italy amid worsening state of media freedom - Article

The growing pressure on press freedom in Italy has prompted the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium to organize an urgent mission to Rome on May 16 and 17. The unprecedented political interference in the public service media, the increasing cases of vexatious lawsuits against journalists, and the possible sale of the AGI news agency will be the focus of the two-day visit. Meetings will be held with institutional stakeholders, journalists, trade unions and civil society

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Press freedom in Italy: those in power are not to be criticised - Article

In 2021, then opposition leader Giorgia Meloni sued Roberto Saviano for defamation. Last October, the Rome Criminal Court issued a sentence against the Italian writer. A ruling that alarmed Italian and European civil society. We had a conversation about it with Antonio Nobile, Saviano's lawyer

By Sielke Kelner 

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA

Italy: MFRR partners strongly condemn investigation into Domani journalists - Article

OBCT and MFRR partners note with concern that Italian press freedom has fallen under renewed pressure. We call for the preliminary investigation of three Domani journalists to be immediately dropped, and we urge Italian authorities to respect the confidentiality of journalistic sources in line with international and European press freedom standards

Italy: call in support of Roberto Saviano, defendant in a SLAPP case initiated by PM Giorgia Meloni - Article

Following the fourth hearing in the SLAPP case initiated by PM Giorgia Meloni against Roberto Saviano, OBCT joins media and journalists' freedom organisations in expressing solidarity with the Italian writer

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Italy: International Media freedom groups raise alarm about RAI's independence - Article

OBCT joins media freedom and journalist organisations in expressing their alarm over the recent politically-influenced internal management changes at the Italian public service broadcaster

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Sara Manisera: the challenges of investigative journalism - Article

Investigative journalists, in addition to the risks of the trade, often incur libel lawsuits, SLAPPs, etc.. Especially if, like Sara Manisera, they deal with sensitive issues such as organised crime. We interviewed her

By Sielke Kelner

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

South Tyrol, the information monopoly and a new case of SLAPP - Article

The Bolzano web portal has received a claim for damages for 150,000 Euros from the South Tyrol publishing giant Athesia. According to defence attorney Nicola Canestrini, it is a clear case of SLAPP, a gag complaint

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

The need to strengthen the protection of the right to freedom of expression and information through legal reforms in Italy - Legal Resources

On 23 October 2022, the new Italian Government, led by Giorgia Meloni, was appointed, following the parliamentary elections in September. In light of rhetoric during the election campaign and the programme of the leading far-right political coalition formed by Lega, Forza Italia and Fratelli D’Italia, which the Prime Minister is a member of, ARTICLE 19 Europe and members of the Media Freedom Rapid Response are concerned about the new Government’s commitment to protecting human rights

Whistleblowing in Italy: a conference - Article

Whistleblowing is a phenomenon that touches different worlds: from psychology to the media, from trade unions to civil society, from the role of the individual to the political responsibilities of the state. OBCT will participate in a panel of the conference dedicated to SLAPPs