Publication Date: October 2015

Media and Communication Vol 3, No 3 (2015)

The second volume of Media and Communication 2015 Special Issue on surveillance complements with an array of case studies the theoretical approach exposed in the first volume

Among the contributions presented in the volume, Vian Bakir delves into the Resistance to Mass Surveillance after Snowden ; Minas Samatas analyses “Austerity Surveillance” in Greece under the Austerity Regime (2010−2014) . The table of contents and the other essays presented in the volume can be accessed here .  

Media and Communication is an international open access journal dedicated to a wide variety of basic and applied research in communication and its related fields. It aims at providing a research forum on the social and cultural relevance of media and communication processes. All articles can be freely accessed and downloaded here .

Tags: Surveillance Privacy

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