This section provides a list of organizations working on issues related to media freedom, including monitoring and promotion of the freedom of the press, quality and ethics in journalism, media literacy, and transparency
The Association Carta di Roma has been founded in December 2011 in Italy with the goal of implementing the Journalist’s Code of Conduct on immigration, signed by the National Council of Journalists (CNOG) and the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI) in June 2008.
Carta di Roma seeks to be a stable reference point for those who work on daily basis with media and minorities issues: journalists, media operators, as well as various institutions, associations and activists involved in promoting and supporting the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, minorities and migrants in the field of media reporting.
The Association's main activities aim to promote respect and guarantee of the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, migrants or minorities, and consist of training activities for media operators; research and monitoring; organisation of discussions and seminars; initiatives and public events aimed to encourage the correct and responsible reporting about immigration, minorities or the right to seek asylum.
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The Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI) advocates for political cartoonists, defending their right to free speech. It was the first cartoon-focused human rights organization when it was founded in 1992. It organizes international campaigns for cartoonist as well as it has helped cartoonists to seek asylum from countries where they have been threatened, or suffered harassment, often from government authorities.
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CDT Europe advocates for the promotion and protection of democracy and human rights in European tech law and policy. It works closely on key legislation in the European Union which regulates the online space, how people interact with it and how it impacts their rights. We form broad coalitions with civil society which aim to raise the voices of those most likely to be impacted by the tech policy we work on, taking an inclusive, intersectional approach.
Email contacts: /
Address: Rue d’Arlon 25 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
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Human rights
Freedom of expression
Located at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen, the Center for Information and Bubble Studies (CIBS) was opened in 2016 by professor Vincent Hendricks . It is an interdisciplinary center that looks at mathematics, economics and logic as well as philosophy, information theory, social psychology and behavioral studies. The CIBS aims to examine the mathematical structure and dynamics of the "bubble phenomena", trying to answer questions such as "what do you do with these bubbles once they are there? Could you intervene? Are there good bubbles or malignant bubbles or are all bubbles malignant and some benign?". The CIBS was endowed in 2015 by a grant from the Carlsberg Foundation, which runs for a 5 year period.
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The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN), funded in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 2004, is dedicated to investigative reporting, aimed toward providing fair and unbiased information, based on evidences and solid proof, to BiH citizens who need to make educated decisions. It focuses on organised crime and corruption and cooperates with a number of international media outlets.
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Investigative journalism
Founded in late 1989, the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) is an interdisciplinary public policy institute dedicated to the values of democracy and market economy. CSD defines itself as a "non-partisan, independent organization fostering the reform process in Europe through impact on policy and civil society". Born as a think-tank, its main goals are: to provide an enhanced institutional and policy capacity for a successful European integration process, especially in the area of justice and home affairs; to promote institutional reform and the practical implementation of democratic values in legal and economic practice; to monitor public attitudes and serve as a watchdog of the institutional reform process.
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The Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) is a research and advocacy centre based at the Department of Journalism Studies of the University of Sheffield. It focuses on media freedom issues worldwide employing a variety of perspectives and tools. Besides traditional academic and educational activities, the Centre is active in the information and advocacy field, monitoring the state of media freedom and sharing best practice and resources for journalists. It seeks to counter threats to journalism safety and freedom in many different countries, and it promotes positive changes to laws, policy and practice concerning them.
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The Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJ) is a think-tank, alternative university and an experimental laboratory set up to train a new generation of reporters in the tools of investigative, in-depth, and long-form journalism across all media. Registered as a charity, it robustly defends investigative journalists and those who work with them.
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Investigative journalism
The Centre for Law and Democracy is a Canadian non-profit corporation working to promote, protect and develop those human rights which serve as the foundation for or underpin democracy, including the rights to freedom of expression, to vote and participate in governance, to access information and to freedom of assembly and association.
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