Search "Serbia"

Search for ""Serbia"" returned 35 matches

Challenges to Media Freedom: A view from Europe - Academic Sources

Drawing on the findings of two projects awarded by the European Commission, the paper examines the sources of the threats hindering media freedom in Europe

Chronicle of Attacks and Pressures against Journalists in 2018 - Reports

An overview of the numerous kinds of pressure faced by journalists and media outlets in Serbia, published by the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia

Cross-media concentration in Serbia Monday 16 October 2017 - Infographic


Cross-media concentration in Serbia ... Media_ownership, Media_freedom, Serbia ... Media_ownership Media_freedom Serbia ... Media Ownership Monitor (MOM) is releasing country reports on media ownership highlighting specific critical issues. Have a look at cross-media concentration in Serbia ... Cross-media concentration in Serbia

Macedonia: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists' safety - Reports

Supported by the European Union, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia has produced a report which intends to assess media freedom throughout three main indicators 

Media freedom in Montenegro: a survey of publications - Article

The media sector in Montenegro is characterised by strong political polarisation. The few examples of non-aligned investigative journalism are subject to both direct and indirect pressure by the financial and political powers in the form of legal actions and, in the worst cases, of physical attacks to reporters and their property.

Yearbook of the European Audiovisual Observatory - Datasets

The Yearbook is an online service for data and analysis on television, cinema, Video on Demand and home video in the European countries. It includes data on market shares, services offered, financing and the main players in each branch of these industries

Measuring media realities. Media Clientelism Index 2016 - Reports

Clientelism, politicization and corruption hold media captured and prevent them from carrying out their watchdog role. Media Clientelism Index assesses the situation in 6 countries of South East Europe

OCCRP Media ownership project - Monitoring tool

A three year analysis by the Organized Crime and Corruption Project unveils transparency and corruption issues in media ownership structures in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the former Soviet Union

Media Ownership Monitor - Reporters without Borders - Monitoring tool

The Media Ownership Monitor is a global research and advocacy initiative launched by Reporter Without Borders to increase transparency about media ownership

Kosovo: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety - Reports

Working conditions, legal protection and overall safety of journalists in Kosovo are the focus of this report drafted by the Association of Journalists of Kosovo