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Search for "SPAIN" returned 26 matches

Who is afraid of journalists? The MFRR Italy Mission Report - Article

The collection of findings and recommendations by the partners of the MFRR, in a booklet curated by OBCT.

Following the MFRR Italy Mission from 4 to 6 April, coordinated by OBCT, the conclusions about SLAPP, defamation and safety of journalists are published here

Mapping Media Freedom Monitoring Report 2021 - Reports

The 2021 monitoring report for the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) summarises media freedom violations across EU Member States, candidate countries, and the United Kingdom from January until December 2021. The report is divided in 4 main sections which offer quantitative and qualitative analysis of the main attacks perpetrated against media workers during the year

Netherlands: International mission on the safety of Dutch journalists - Article

As part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) are organising an international media freedom mission to the Netherlands. With the mission, the consortium members want to map the decreasing security of journalists in the country, but also highlight the existence of security mechanisms for journalists such as the PersVeilig (Press Safe) established in 2019. The mission will be held at the beginning of 2022

MFRR to hold press freedom mission to Greece - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response will hold an online fact-finding mission to Greece in the first half of December to assess increasing concerns about media freedom and the safety of journalists in the country

Media and artistic freedom under attack: Europe has to act - Article

The General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists Ricardo Gutiérrez gave the keynote speech today at the Socialists & Democrats online event on media freedom and artistic freedom. He called on MEPs to push member state governments to adopt concrete measures to protect journalists

Press freedom in Spain in 2020: Coronavirus and five years of the ‘gag laws’ - Article

Watchdog PDLI (Plataforma en Defensa de la Libertad de Información) highlights key developments in press freedom last year

New attacks against journalists during protests and demonstrations - Article

IPI drafts an overview of the attacks suffered by reporters and media workers in the first six months of 2020: the situation is alarming and the MFRR partners raise further concerns inviting authorities to protect journalists working during protests and demonstrations. Recommendations for States and police officers include the invitation to develop cooperation schemes

Safety of Journalists and the Fighting of Corruption in the EU - Reports

A study commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee (Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) examines the chilling effect of crimes and threats against media workers, exploring regulatory and other measures to counter the phenomenon

Briefing: Media Freedom Violations in the EU under COVID-19 - Reports

An overview of media freedom violations registered in several EU Member States and Candidate Countries since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the continent in late February 2020

Protocol for newsrooms to support journalists targeted with online harassment - Manuals

IPI’s protocol outlines a four-step framework that newsrooms can take to more effectively protect targeted journalists from the professional and emotional impact of online abuse