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Search for "digital_rights" returned 50 matches

Populism in online election coverage - Academic Sources

How populist messages by media actors, political actors, and readers are distributed via online news articles, and reader comments during election campaigns in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and France

Defending Independent Media: A Comprehensive Analysis of Aid Flows - Reports

This new report by CIMA explores how much money the world’s official aid donors give to help independent and public-service-oriented media build free and open societies globally,  the regions where this trend is stronger and the adopted approaches  

Freedom in the World 2018 - Reports

The report by Freedom House provides an evaluation of the state of democracy in the world in 2017, analysing trends in freedom including freedom of elections, freedom of the press and the rule of law

Defending Free Speech - Reports

This report by the Swedish Government presents an action plan to safeguard and strengthen the democratic discourse against threats and hatred, with special regard to politically elected representatives, journalists and artists 

Union of Bulgarian Journalists (UBJ) - Stakeholders

The Union of  Bulgarian Journalists (UBJ) is the largest journalists' organization in Bulgaria. It is a voluntary association of 4500 journalists from all over the country who want to protect their own professional, social and trade union rights and interests. The main goals of UBJ are as follows: the promotion of professional journalism in the Bulgarian society; the adherence to professional standards and ethics; the protection of media freedom and independent press; the expression of the common interests of Bulgarian journalists to public authorities; the development of international cooperation in the field of professional journalism.

Information Not Found: The “Right to Be Forgotten” as an Emerging Threat to Media Freedom in the Digital Age - Reports

An overview of legislation patterns and suggestions to solve the dilemma between freedom of information and the right to be forgotten

The Panama and Paradise Papers: The Rise of a Global Fourth Estate - Academic Sources

This article connects recent large-scale projects by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), such as the Panama and Paradise Papers revelations, to ongoing theoretical discussions about emergent forms of journalism

Hyperlocal News: After the Hype – A Polis/LSE Report - Reports

The report aims to identify trends in the hyperlocal news sector in UK and to stimulate innovation and debate around the digitalization and impact of the hyperlocal news

Self-regulation and “hate speech” on social media platforms - Reports

An Article 19 proposal on how to protect freedom of expression and human rights in digital environments

Journalism Ethics in Digital Age - Manuals

This guide in Spanish addresses the main concerns of journalists and media regarding ethical challenges of the fast-paced era of digital news