Search media 8a

Search for "media 8a" returned 127 matches

Turkey: growing digital censorship compounds press freedom crisis - Article

We joined ten other organisations in a mission to Turkey led by IPI. While the government refused the invitation for a meeting, journalists, civil society representatives, MPs and other institutions denounced an ever-worsening environment for Turkey's remaining independent press

The Global Cost of Internet Shutdowns in 2020 - Reports

This annual report by Top10VPN analyzes every major intentional internet shutdown in 2020 and reveals that they cost a world economy already devastated by the pandemic a further $4BN

MFRR calls on EU countries to protect Hungarian Journalists in Europe from state monitoring - Article

The EU Ministries of Foreign Affairs haven't answered to the letter of concern sent on 25 September, while the situation in Hungary is getting worse

EngelliWeb 2019: An Iceberg of Unseen Internet Censorship in Turkey - Reports

Detailed statistical information in relation to blocked websites, news articles (URL-based), social media accounts and social media content for the 2007-2019 period

No lockdown for press freedom: misuse of Corona crisis to silence journalism in Europe - HTML5 video

A virtual talk that explores how the emergency measures for COVID-19 pandemic are affecting media freedom in Europe

COVID-19 Media Freedom Monitoring - Monitoring tool

IPI Tracker on Press Freedom Violations Linked to COVID-19 Coverage

#Tracker_19 - Monitoring tool

A tool by Reporters Without Borders to monitor and evaluate the pandemic’s impacts on journalism

Freedom on the Net 2019 - The crisis of social media - Reports

Freedom on the Net is an annual study of Internet freedom in 65 countries around the world, covering 87% of the world’s Internet users. It tracks improvement and decline in Internet freedom conditions each year.

Taking Control? Internet Censorship and Surveillance in Russia - Reports

A report by Reporters without Borders based on about 30 interviews with journalists, activists, lawyers and human rights defenders. It traces the development from the first bans on content in 2012 to Autumn 2019

CPDP 2019: Content regulation and its impact on democracy - HTML5 video

Internet platforms have become important fora of public debate, offering tools for increased democratic participation and engagement. The central role of internet platforms enables them to wield considerable control over online speech. Platforms effectively have the power to decide what content to disseminate and what content to remove. The same power is used to adjust content according to the profiles of users developed on the basis of their personal data. Recent scandals have shown that platforms can be misused as instruments of misinformation, propaganda and manipulation. Policy makers try to address the issue by regulating or by incentivising platforms to adopt codes of conduct.