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Search for "legal support" returned 153 matches

Free media help line Bosnia Herzegovina - Linija za pomoć novinarima Bosnia Hercegovina - Support Centres

Free Media Help Line is part of the Journalists' Association of Bosnia Herzegovina, and functions as a local institution for the support and assistance to journalists in the implementation of their work, and for the protection of journalists rights and freedoms. Free Media Help Line encourages all journalists to report every threats or any interference in the exercise of journalistic duties.

Protecting the reputation of the council - Legal Resources

Athelstane Aamodt considers attempts by local authorities to protect their reputation and analyses a recent European Court of Human Rights ruling

Defence Handbook for Journalists and Bloggers on Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Information Principles in International Law - Manuals

The Defence Handbook for Journalists and Bloggers is unique in its kind as it focuses specifically on the application of international legal principles to the work of journalists