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Daphne Caruana Galizia: Landmark Public Inquiry recommendations must be implemented - Article

We the undersigned organisations welcome the conclusions and recommendations of the milestone Public Inquiry into the assassination of Malta’s leading investigative journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia. Now is the moment for the Maltese authorities to consider and accept the Board’s detailed recommendations and to publish a plan of action on how they will be implemented in a non-partisan manner without delay and ensure better protection of journalists going forward

Turkey: CFWIJ demands action to end police brutality against journalists - Article

The Coalition for Women in Journalism launches a petition that recognizes police violence in Turkey as one of the most urgent issues

MFRR Monitoring Report III - Reports

A 4-month-snapshot produced by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), covering the reporting period between November 2020 and February 2021 representing the final four month period of the first 12 months of the MFRR

European Commission Recommendations on the Safety of Journalists: MFRR submission - Article

Following the European News Media Forum, the MFRR drafted a submission to the European Commission as part of their proposed Recommendations on the Safety of Journalists

Media Pluralism Monitor 2021 - Monitoring tool

The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom at the European University Institute has released the Media Pluralism Monitor 2021, a tool to assess threats to media pluralism in Europe. This report confirms the findings of the previous one, showing that no country is free from risks to media pluralism

Hungary: MFRR highly alarmed by Pegasus surveillance revelations - Article

A leak revealed the use of the Pegasus spyware program against journalists, human rights defenders and lawyers. MFRR partners call the implicated governments, which include the Hungarian government, to immediately stop using the spyware

Rule of Law Report 2021: OBCT submission for Italy, Croatia and Bulgaria - Article

The European Commission has published the Rule of Law Report 2021, consisting in the summary of the stakeholders' consultation. OBCT submitted a 13-page report answering questions related to the situation in Italy, Croatia and Bulgaria

Rule of Law Report 2021, targeted stakeholder consultation - Reports

The Rule of Law Report monitors significant developments, both positive and negative, relating to the rule of law in Member States. It covers four pillars: the justice system, the anti-corruption framework, media pluralism, and other institutional issues related to checks and balances

Women journalists and media workers: MFRR submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur - Article

Across Europe, online and offline verbal abuse, threats and harassment disproportionately affect women journalists and media workers. This submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression to inform her thematic report on gender justice considers barriers, challenges and threats that women journalists and media workers face in the exercise of their profession

Bulgaria: MFRR partners ask the interim government to examine the state of media freedom in the country - Article

Improvement of the situation in Bulgaria needs significant will, as well as a broader recognition of the fundamental role that independent journalism plays for the society. MFRR asks the interim government to prioritise the investigation of threats and attacks against journalists