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Press Briefing on EU anti-SLAPP proposals - Article

A press briefing from the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE) in response to the EC's proposed anti-SLAPP measures: Thursday 28 April at 11 am

Spain: Energy company launches €17.6 million SLAPP lawsuit against El Confidencial - Article

MFRR partners condemn the vexatious SLAPP lawsuit against the newspaper El Confidencial by the Spanish electricity company Iberdrola, which is claiming €17.6 million for alleged “reputational damage”. The MFRR partners see the lawsuit as another example of the urgent need for the introduction of anti-SLAPP legislation at the EU and national levels and reform of the current legal provisions on protection of honour and reputation in line with international freedom of expression standards

Poland: Dismissal of SLAPP-targeted journalist Grzegorz Rzeczkowski sets concerning precedent - Article

The undersigned partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) extend their support to journalist Grzegorz Rzeczkowski who faces four SLAPPs and was recently dismissed by Polityka, one of the major independent weekly magazines in Poland, without a transparent reason

Index reiterates its support for Carole Cadwalladr as she faces SLAPP trial - Article

We join other ngos and organizations in supporting the award-winning journalist who is facing a week-long defamation trial in London this week

Serbia: Wave of lawsuits against investigative portal KRIK chills media freedom - Article

In recent months, KRIK’s newsroom has been targeted by ten different procedures requesting a total of 90 million dinars in damages. MFRR partners believe that these cases are a form of SLAPPs and demand urgent actions to address the growing phenomenon in the country 

Nineteen organisations condemn the lawsuits brought against Catherine Belton and HarperCollins, deeming them “SLAPPs” - Article

The undersigned organisations express their serious concern at the legal proceedings that are being brought against journalist and author Catherine Belton and her publisher HarperCollins

Greece: SLAPP lawsuit underscores need for swift EU directive - Article

The independent media outlet Alterthess received a lawsuit filed by the firm Hellas Gold, convicted of environmental crimes. MFRR partners underline the need for an EU Anti-SLAPP Directive to protect journalists reporting in the public interest

Daphne Caruana Galizia: Landmark Public Inquiry recommendations must be implemented - Article

We the undersigned organisations welcome the conclusions and recommendations of the milestone Public Inquiry into the assassination of Malta’s leading investigative journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia. Now is the moment for the Maltese authorities to consider and accept the Board’s detailed recommendations and to publish a plan of action on how they will be implemented in a non-partisan manner without delay and ensure better protection of journalists going forward

ENRC sues public watchdogs: an attempt to curtail freedom of expression and jeopardise anti-corruption efforts - Article

OBCT co-signed a statement by Index on Censorship on the abuse of lawsuits by Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation Limited

Serbia: investigative outlet KRIK sued by state security agency director - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) is deeply concerned by the lawsuit targeted at a journalist and the editor-in-chief of the Network for Investigation of Crime and Corruption (KRIK) by the director of Serbia’s Security-Information Agency (BIA)