Search economic_pressure

Search for "economic_pressure" returned 29 matches

Czech Republic: concern over independence of public service media - Article

The MFRR partners have sent a letter to the members of the Czech Parliament regarding the politicisation of the Council of the Czech TV (Česká Televize, CT)

Extradition proceedings against Jonathan Taylor need to end! - Article

A wide range of organisations calls on Croatia and Monaco to end extradition proceedings and asks the European Parliament to condemn the ongoing harassment of such an important whistleblower

Slovenia: OBCT joins IPI's statement condemning brazen use of SLAPP - Article

We believe it is abundantly clear that the number and nature of the spurious defamation lawsuits against Necenzurirano are not aimed at achieving justice, but instead at silencing the outlet by forcing its journalists to fight time-consuming and costly legal battles, draining them financially and discouraging them from further reporting

Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2020 - Datasets

An interactive tool to browse and compare data from the 2020 Reuters Institute Digital News Report 

Media capture: Toolkit for 21st century autocrats - Article


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The 8th of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents. 

European Media Systems Survey - Surveys

The European Media Systems Survey (EMSS) is a regularly repeated academic study that measures differences between national media environments in how they cover politics and public affairs

Web Index - Indexes

The Web Index is designed and produced by the World Wide Web Foundation to measure the World Wide Web’s contribution to social, economic and political progress in countries across the world

Freedom House - Freedom of the Press - Indexes

Since 1980, the Freedom of the Press index assesses on an annual basis the degree of print, broadcast, and digital media freedom in 199 countries

Global Media Freedom Dataset - Indexes

The Global Media Freedom Dataset ranks the media environment in each country on the basis of the capability of journalists to express criticism and to keep those in power accountable