Search media 8a

Search for "media 8a" returned 135 matches

IPSOS Trust in news sources 2019: a global survey - Surveys

Trust in traditional media is perceived to have declined over the past five years, mostly due to the spread of fake news. The lowest levels of trust are recorded in Hungary and Serbia

Types, sources, and claims of COVID-19 misinformation - Reports

A factsheet on coronavirus misinformation

Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions 2020 - Reports

Publishers will struggle to re-establish trust in journalism, while a backdrop of economic and political uncertainty will challenge the sustainability of many news organisations. The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism identifies the most important media trends for 2020

Freedom on the Net 2019 - The crisis of social media - Reports

Freedom on the Net is an annual study of Internet freedom in 65 countries around the world, covering 87% of the world’s Internet users. It tracks improvement and decline in Internet freedom conditions each year.

Data Voids. Where Missing Data Can Easily Be Exploited - Reports

The assumption that for any given query there is some relevant content is not true. When there is little content available, the most relevant content is low-quality or problematic, or both. The paper shows how manipulators expose users to problematic content by exploiting search engine results

The Global Disinformation Order: 2019 Global Inventory of Organised Social Media Manipulation - Reports

The report highlights the findings from the three-year project on monitoring organised social media manipulation campaigns around the globe. One of the key discoveries is the increase by 150% in social media manipulation campaigns over the last two years

SOMA, Social Observatory for Disinformation and Social Media Analysis - Monitoring tool

A platform with infrastructure and connections to support experts in their activity against disinformation, with verification tools, algorithms, and processes

How Young People Consume News and The Implications For Mainstream Media - Reports

This research commissioned by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism is based on two key questions: how do young people consume news? How can news publishers attract young readers, listeners, and viewers?

Tackling Disinformation Face to Face: Our Journalists’ Findings From the Classroom - Reports

Presenting findings in Austria, Belgium, and Germany, this study aims at understanding how schoolchildren consume media and how news and media literacy is and can be taught in classrooms in Europe

European University Students And Social Media. How Do They Talk About Online Disinformation In View Of The 2019 European Parliament Elections? - Academic Sources

European students see misleading news as a threat to younger generations, but consider themselves immune as they are confident in their ability to detect unreliable web content. This is one of the findings of this master thesis, which examines students' attitude towards social media and disinformation online