Search war_reporting

Search for "war_reporting" returned 33 matches

Let's Talk: Personal Boundaries, Safety & Women in Journalism - HTML5 video

In this video, nine leading female journalists share their experiences of being women in journalism and how it is difficult to manage personal boundaries and dealing with the constant risk of of harassment

Nenad Šebek: Keep on fighting for Media Freedom - HTML5 video

This short video presents the contribution by Nenad Šebek, director of the Belgrade Office of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - in the panel "Media and journalism in the WB6: a very European issue" held in Trieste in the context of the Civil Society Forum (July 10-12, 2017)

Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2017 - HTML5 video

This video highlights some of the key facts and figures from the 2017 Digital News Report by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in under two minutes

Soft censorship as a threat to journalism in Montenegro - HTML5 video

Daliborka Uljarevic, Executive Director of Center for Civic Education (CGO), speaks for SEE Media Observatory about the media and soft censorship in Montenegro. In Montenegro, soft censorship is exercised primarily through politicised, discretionary and non-transparent distribution of public money and subsidies to media

Physical attacks against journalists - the hatred against "lügenpresse" - HTML5 video

Lecture in German about the "lügenpresse" discussion and rising attacs on journalists in 2015

Turkey: A Prison for Journalists - HTML5 video

In 2016, Turkey became the world's leading jailer of journalists, imprisoning at least 81 reporters, editors, and producers, a record number. 

Recent developments of the ECtHR case law on freedom of expression - HTML5 video

An informative video presentation on the overview of the European Court of Human Rights case law concerning freedom of expression, media and journalism in 2015

Martin Hoffmann (ECPMF) at the Media and Culture Committee of the German Parliament - HTML5 video

ECPMF reporter Martin Hoffman has briefed Germany's MPs on the rising number of attacks against journalists, as Germany’s refugee crisis erupts in political violence

Press freedom in Turkey: an interview with Erol Önderoğlu - HTML5 video

An interview for the Swiss section of Amnesty International by Erol Önderoglu, journalist and representative of Reporters without Borders in Turkey, arrested on June 20, 2016 with charges of "terrorist propaganda"