Search "Turkey"

Search for ""Turkey"" returned 149 matches

Free to Think 2021. Report of the Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Monitoring Project - Reports

The seventh installment of an annual report by Scholars at Risk’s Academic Freedom Monitoring Project. The report analyzes 332 attacks on higher education communities in 65 countries and territories around the world between September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021

Turkey: growing digital censorship compounds press freedom crisis - Article

We joined ten other organisations in a mission to Turkey led by IPI. While the government refused the invitation for a meeting, journalists, civil society representatives, MPs and other institutions denounced an ever-worsening environment for Turkey's remaining independent press

Turkey: CFWIJ demands action to end police brutality against journalists - Article

The Coalition for Women in Journalism launches a petition that recognizes police violence in Turkey as one of the most urgent issues

Turkey: Concern over proposals to introduce new regulation of “fake” and “foreign-funded” news - Article

OBCT co-signed a statement condemning the proposal to introduce a new regulation of "fake" and "foreign-funded" news in Turkey. If approved, these measures will further undermine media freedom and pluralism in the country

Turkey: SLAPP lawsuit filed against academic over Paradise Papers tweet - Article

NGOs and journalists’ organisations call for the dropping of a lawsuit launched against the academic Prof Yaman Akdeniz by Serhat Albayrak, seeking 100,000 Turkish lira (€9,600) in damages for his tweets about the censorship of reports into the criminal investigations and civil lawsuits against journalists who reported on the Paradise Papers

Turkey: a letter of concern ahead of the visit of EU leaders - Article

Ahead of their visit to Turkey, we joined several ngos and human rights groups in asking the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission to highlight the country's domestic human rights situation, in particular threats to journalists and media outlets

Turkey: the murder of radio presenter Hazim Özsu - Article

The MFRR condemns the murder of radio presenter Hazim Özsu in Turkey and calls for a swift and thorough investigation and prosecution that leads to justice

Academic Autonomy and Freedom in Turkey: The Case of Boğaziçi University - Article

Academics for Peace NA cordially invites you to the webinar "Academic Autonomy and Freedom in Turkey: The Case of Boğaziçi University" on March 4 at 6 pm (CET) with a vibrant group of speakers, co-hosts and sponsors

Women Journalists In Local Media, Major Struggles And Proposals For Solutions - Reports

Within the scope of the local media research project, MEDAR has conducted a qualitative research providing the situation analysis and needs assessment of women journalists working at local media organizations in Turkey

Turkey: ECPMF highly concerned about arrests of Mezopotamya Agency reporters - Article

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) as part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) is highly concerned over the detention and arrest of four reporters in the southeast of Turkey, on 17 December 2020. We call for their immediate and unconditional release. We condemn the continued persecution against the outlet as this is the third incident to take place in as many months