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Search for "legal protection" returned 96 matches

Against SLAPPs, the first European conference - Article

The first European conference for the fight against SLAPPs, also known as gag or reckless complaints, was held in Strasbourg on 20 October, organised by the European Center for Press and Media Freedom and the Coalition against SLAPP in Europe. The report of the event

by Sielke Kelner

Anti-SLAPP Declaration and Call to Action - Article

At the end of the Anti-SLAPP Conference, the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (Case) launched a declaration and call for action to protect journalists and public watchdogs from SLAPPs

Greece: Letter to Grigoris Dimitriadis, SLAPP Politician of the Year - Article

In this letter to the former general secretary of Greek Prime Minister's office, MFRR partners express concern about defamation claims filed against investigative journalists and media outlets



France: Investigative media outlets under attack in five gagging lawsuits - Article

Media freedom groups raise concern over the recent wave of gagging lawsuits initiated by companies against several independent media outlets in France

Call for Italian political forces to take a stand against SLAPPs, a ‘slap’ in the face of freedom of information - Article

The right of citizens to be informed about matters of public interest and of journalists to write freely about them cannot and must not be hindered by SLAPPs. Civil society's appeal to the future parliament to promote measures to contrast strategic lawsuits

European Anti-SLAPP Conference 2022 - Article

On 20 October 2022, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE) will host the first ever European Anti-SLAPP Conference. The event is organised under the patronage of the European Parliament, with the support of the Council of Europe, and funded by the Open Society Foundations

Synergies and training are needed against SLAPP, or gag complaints - Article

Media expert lawyer Andrea Di Pietro positively comments on the anti-SLAPP package of the European Commission and stresses the need for training initiatives aimed at legal practitioners, to recognise and combat the gag complaints that threaten freedom of expression and the right of citizens to participate in the public debate

by Paola Rosà

Maja Sever, the first woman to lead the EFJ - Article

Quickly resolving the economic issue relating to journalists, fighting harder against SLAPPs or gag complaints, using the rule of law to improve media conditions. These are the keywords of Maja Sever, the first woman to lead the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)

by Giovanni Vale

CASE: Expert Brief on the European Commission’s EU anti-SLAPP Proposals - Article

The Coalition against SLAPPs in Europe gives an overview of the recent EU anti-SLAPP package adding its own recommendations, suggestions, amendments

PATFox: training for lawyers to identify SLAPPs - Article

Pioneering anti-SLAPP Training for Freedom of Expression seeks to train the lawyers defending journalists and media organisations, NGOs and activists against companies and governmental figures using lawfare to shut down legitimate criticism