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Search for "open_data" returned 45 matches

Are people incidentally exposed to news on social media? A comparative analysis - Academic Sources

The article examines incidental exposure to news on social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter) in four countries (Italy, Australia, United Kingdom, United States) finding that social media use is significantly related to increased news use, even among those who come across news on social media while doing other things

Disinformation and Social Bot Operations in the Run Up to the 2017 French Presidential Election - Academic Sources

In a paper published on First Monday, Emilio Ferrara studies the role of Twitter in the MacronLeaks disinformation campaign

Is the Ukrainian ban on Russian social media justified? - Legal Resources

The recent ban of Russian social media in Ukraine has provoked intense discussions. The author explores original Ukrainian-language documents to find out more about the official perspective on the ban

Turkey Blocks - Monitoring tool

Turkey Blocks is a realtime feed of live data on large-scale blocking, throttling and internet shutdown incidents: Turkey's digital censorship observatory

Online Harassment of Journalists in Hungary - Forms, Coping Mechanisms and Consequences for Press Freedom - Reports

Online abuse is a daily issue for journalists. The International Press Institute interviewed media workers in Hungary about their experience with online harassment

Digital Agenda key indicators - Datasets

European Commission services selected more than 100 indicators, divided into thematic groups, which illustrate some key dimensions of the European information society

Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) - Datasets

The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is a composite index that summarises relevant indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU member states in the digital environment

The Platform Press: how Silicon Valley reengineered journalism - Reports

A report on the influence of social media platforms and technology companies on American journalism highlights the clashes and trade-offs between growth, autonomy, and quality for the profession worldwide

Talking to Ourselves? Political Debate Online and the Echo Chamber Effect - Reports

This report by Demos analysed Twitter data from 2,000 users who openly expressed their support for one of four political parties in the United Kingdom, finding similar patterns between supporters of different political parties

Reuters Digital News Report 2016 - Reports

A comparative study of digital news consumption in the world