Search professional 17journalism

Search for "professional 17journalism" returned 71 matches

Macedonia: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists' safety - Reports

Supported by the European Union, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia has produced a report which intends to assess media freedom throughout three main indicators 

Perspektivy: Cross-Border Journalism programme - Opportunities

Research funding programme for Russian-speaking journalists and bloggers from Russia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Baltics or the Caucasus

Mediacentar Sarajevo - Stakeholders

Mediacentar Sarajevo supports the development of independent and professional journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Over time, activities have been expanded to include:

  • training programmes;
  • publishing;
  • media research;
  • PR training and consulting services;
  • AV production;
  • event management;

 An integral part of Mediacentar is Infobiro , an archive of print media from B-H and the former Yugoslavia and a library containing literature on mass media. Mediacentar also publish a regional journal on culture and literature called Sarajevske Sveske (Sarajevo Notebooks) . Mediacentar was founded by Open Society Fund of B-H in 1995 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. In 2000 it was registered as a separate education and research institution owned by Open Society Fund of B-H.

Association of BH Journalists (BH Novinari) - Stakeholders

Association of BH Journalists (BH Novinari) is a non-political and non-profit journalist association based in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Member of the Association of European Journalists (AEJ), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), it connects journalists, freelance journalists, students and other professionals working in the journalistic sector in order to protect the independency of their activities.

It also offers practical support.

Journalism in Times of Crisis: Case Studies in Six SEE Countries - Reports

A study on the way the media in 6 South-eastern European countries have reported on recent socio-political crises

Arman Fazlić: Against all attacks on journalists - HTML5 video

This short video presents the contribution of Arman Fazlić of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Journalists’ Association to the panel "Media and journalism in the WB6: a very European issue" held in Trieste in the context of the Civil Society Forum (July 10-12, 2017)

The Resonant Voices Initiative - Opportunities

A regional hackaton to equip critical voices in the Western Balkans with the skills, know-how and resources to counter extremist propaganda, hate speech and disinformation

Special report on the status and cases of threats against journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Reports

A report by the Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH highlights the extremely difficult working conditions of journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina and recommends possible ways to tackle the problems that range from serious economic difficulties to attacks and online harassment

Media regulatory authorities and hate speech in the Western Balkans - Reports

Which role can national regulatory authorities play in tackling hate speech? Experience and issues faced in this report focused on the Western Balkan countries

Media reporting on gender-based violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Reports

A study by UN Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina highlights the sensational nature of media coverage of gender violence in the country and provides recommendations for ethical reporting