Search european policy

Search for "european policy" returned 371 matches

Russian surveillance law - Legal Resources

In a case related to alleged mobile phone surveillance, the European Court of Human Rights decided that an editor in Russia was entitled to claim to be a victim of a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Journalism is not terrorism - Legal Resources

Despite ruling that the UK's Terrorism Act is incompatible with human rights and more protection is needed for journalists, Britain's Court of Appeal also ruled authorities were justified in detaining a reporter and confiscating his equipment at Heathrow Airport

German Court negates injunctive relief concerning research work - Legal Resources

The Higher Regional Court of Hamburg has ruled that the plaintiff's interest against the footage made of him did not outweigh the broadcaster's freedom of the press, which also includes research work and collecting information and footage

German Press Council deals with coverage of refugee crisis and footage of murder - Legal Resources

Dealing with complaints about the coverage of the refugee crisis, the German Press Council legitimizes the use of emotional pictures if they serve the public interest by showing the result of war and the risky business with smuggling gangs

Media Freedom and the growth of the European public sphere - Reports

This position paper drafted by OBC discusses the challenges to media freedom and pluralism in Europe, considering the challenges for prtecting these rights within EU member states and in candidate and potential candidate in South-East Europe

European Western Balkans: 2015 World Press Freedom Index Thursday 10 December 2015 - Infographic


Based on the World Press Freedom Index by Reporters Without Borders (RWB), the think-tank European Western Balkans has developed this infographic comparing media freedom rankings in the Western ... European Western Balkans: 2015 World Press Freedom Index

Balancing Act: Press freedom at risk as EU struggles to match action with values - HTML5 video

The Committee to Protect Journalists presents its report on the challenges faced by the European Union is in keeping up to its role as a global leader in press freedom.

Wikipedia:GLAM/OBC - Wikipedia Item

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC) hosts a Wikipedian in Residence (WiR) in the framework of its cooperation with Wikimedia Italia and its membership in the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF). Wikipedia entries concerning freedom of information, freedom of the press and media pluralism in Europe are curated and developed by the Wikipedian in Residence (WiR), producing open-access, freely-reusable quality contents for the wider public in multiple languages.

International assistance and media democratization in the Western Balkans: a cross-national comparison - Academic Sources

This report by Irion and Jusic, published by Analitika in 2013, compares the conditions and factors that influence the creation of sustainable and functional media institutions in the democratizing countries of the Western Balkans. It does so by taking into account the strong role played by international assistance programs and conditionality mechanisms.

Balancing act: Press freedom at risk as EU struggles to match action with values - Reports

In this 2015 report, the Committee to Protect Journalists highlights challenges faced by the EU related to press freedom record. Member states adoption of repressive laws and regulations are as dangerous as the EU failure to act swiftly when countries renege on their commitments