Search european policy

Search for "european policy" returned 70 matches

Admission to Mundus Journalism MA programme - Opportunities

The Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Journalism, Media and Globalisation welcomes applications from graduate students until January 10th, 2017

Call for Papers: Competition, Regulation and Freedom of Expression in Digital Markets - Opportunities

The Annual Scientific Seminar on Competition, Regulation and Freedom of Expression in Digital Markets promoted, among the others, by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, welcomes paper proposals on frontier research in electronic communications, internet and media

European Press Prize nominations - Opportunities

The European Press Prize will welcome entries for the 2017 edition from the 1st of November until the 16th of December. 

Strategic cybersecurity policy development in Southeast Europe - Opportunities

The Centre for Security, Development and Rule of Law and DiploFundation co-organise the conference “Strategic cybersecurity policy development in Southeast Europe” in Belgrade from 29 November to 1 December 2016

Workshop: Investigative Journalism and Defamation Law in Greece - Opportunities

Joint ECPMF/EFJ/IPI event in Thessaloniki aims to strengthen reporting skills and legal awareness

2016 Global Media Competition on “Breaking Stereotypes on Labour Migration” - Opportunities

ILO launches a global media competition to recognize exemplary media coverage on labour migration 

ALDA Europe Call for Partners: Media Professionalism Programme in Montenegro - Opportunities

ALDA Europe is looking for partners based in Montenegro to take part in a call for proposals to improve conditions for quality journalism 

Deadline extended: European Youth Press call for DDJ training - Opportunities

Data-driven journalism against prejudices about migration’ training course for young media makers, human rights activists, developers Berlin, 12 – 20 November 2016

Six studentships, MA Digital Journalism, European Journalism, Risk Communication and Crisis Journalism - Thessaloniki - Opportunities

Six studentships are offered for the English taught  Master's program in Digital Journalism, European Journalism and  Risk Communication and Crisis Journalism

Global MIL Week 2016: UNESCO calls for papers and presentations - Opportunities

A call for papers and presentation on intercultural dialogue and freedom of expression