Search professional journalism

Search for "professional journalism" returned 119 matches

Reuters Institute summer school on comparative qualitative research on journalism and news media - Opportunities

A two-day summer school for advanced doctoral students and early career researchers to explore the potential of qualitative methods for comparative scholarship in journalism and media

Anthony Lewis Prize for "Rule of Law Journalism" - Opportunities

The Prize acknowledges journalists from around the world who have contributed to increased awareness and understanding of the foundational importance of the rule of law

Media against Hate – Media literacy Workshops - Opportunities

The second media literacy workshop organised by CMFE and COMMIT will take place in Olsztyn, Poland, on June 8-9, 2017.

Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners - Journalism in the digital age: responding to propaganda and fake news - Opportunities

The Summer School is organised by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florance, and will take place on 5-9 June 2017

Training course: European Journalism in the Digital Age - Opportunities

The Center for Media, Data and Society at the Central European University (Budapest) and SHARE Foundation (Novi Sad) invite applications for a “hybrid-style” training covering the challenges for watchdog journalism in the digital age

Next Journalism Prize - Opportunities

The Next Journalism Award seeks to reward long-term innovation and risk taking projects in service of tomorrow’s quality journalism

The Migration Media Award - Opportunities

An award for journalists covering migration in the Mediterranean region

Conference: Promoting dialogue between the European Court of Human Rights and the media freedom community - Opportunities

Registration will close on February 10 for the conference “Promoting dialogue between the ECtHR and the media freedom community”, to be held in Strasbourg on 24 of March 2017

Joan Shorenstein Fellowship - Opportunities

One-semester residential fellowships to advance research in the field of media, politics and public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School in Cambridge

Perspektivy: Cross-Border Journalism programme - Opportunities

Reasearch funding programme for russian-speaking journalists and bloggers from Russia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Baltics or the Caucasus