
2476 results

Romania: filmmakers badly beaten while shooting documentary on illegal logging - Article

On 16 September, two filmmakers and an activist were attacked and badly beaten by a group of 20 armed people while documenting the issue of illegal logging. MFRR partners call on the Romanian authorities to ensure all those responsible are brought to justice

Freedom on the Net 2021 - Reports

The yearly report by Freedom House confirms that the global internet freedom has declined for the 11th consecutive year

MFRR partners welcome European Commission’s Recommendation on protection, safety and empowerment of journalists - Article

For the first time, the EU Commission puts media freedom among its priorities and pushes Member States to act consequently

Recommendation on the protection, safety and empowerment of journalists - Legal Resources

The Recommendation, published on 16 September 2021, is part of the Commission's work to support media freedom and pluralism in the EU

MFRR: EU action needed to tackle spyware abuses after Pegasus revelations - Article

As the European Parliament today debates the Pegasus spyware scandal, the undersigned partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) call for an immediate investigation into the alleged use of the spyware against journalists by Hungarian authorities and urge the strong implementation of new EU rules on the export of cyber-surveillance technology around the world

The Resilience Report 2020: How Europe’s independent media dealt with the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 - Reports

This report published by the European Journalism Centre in partnership with Evens Foundation is based on the Resilience Reports, a series of in-depth studies looking at how dozens of news organisations across Europe dealt with the pandemic during the first wave

Urgent solution needed as Slovenian Press Agency funding crisis passes 250 days - Article

Several media freedom organizations and journlalists' unions call on UKOM and the government of Prime Minister Janša to immediately end the economic suffocation of the STA

Building Trust in Media in South East Europe and Turkey – Phase 2 - Article

The Ethical Journalism Network (EJN), in partnership with UNESCO and supported by the European Union (EU), has been implementing the Building Trust in Media in South East Europe (SEE) and Turkey since 2016. The role of the EJN in Phase 2 is to support the media outlets in South East Europe and Turkey to perform a self-assessment exercise of their commitment to good governance and ethical and professional standards

Digital security training for journalists - Training

A webinar with Harlo Holmes, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Director of Digital Security at Freedom of the Press Foundation. Certificates will be provided for attendees that complete the training

Slovenia: MFRR calls for firm response after storming of public broadcaster RTV - Article

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its partners in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today strongly condemn the attack on the Slovenian public broadcaster RTV Slovenija (RTVS) by Covid-19 deniers and anti-vaccination protesters last Friday