651 results
A regional report by the South East European Partnership for Media Development on the employment conditions of journalists in SEE countries highlights the poor conditions of those working in the media sector
The report is based on close monitoring of media freedom in the 6 countries of the Eastern Partnership during the period 2013-2015
An overview of the pro-Russian disinformation activities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia published by the Prague Security Studies Institute
The report exposes the incidence of hate speech and xenophobia on Georgian media and public domain
This report by Media Development Foundation Georgia focuses on anti-Western rhetoric in the country and the role of media sustaining this phenomenon
With the rise of digital platforms, ensuring safety for journalists has become even more complex. This UNESCO study of selected challenges addresses digital security for journalism formulating recommendations for governments and journalism contributors
This report commissioned by UNESCO and funded by the EU is the first comprehensive regional study on journalism's self-regulatory bodies aims to strengthen their functioning and the overall media accountability in South East Europe
This Report by Nils Muiznieks, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, follows his visit to Bulgaria from 9 to 11 February 2015. The situation of media is one of the worring elements which called for the attention of the Commissioner.
BalkanMedia by the KAS South East Europe Media Programme provides a synthetic map of the media situation in Croatia
IREX Media Sustainability Index (MSI) considers developments over time in the media landscape of Montenegro, with a specific focus on economic sustainability; quality of journalism and management practices