Search killed_journalists

Search for "killed_journalists" returned 98 matches

2017 World Press Freedom Index - Monitoring tool

The 2017 World Press Freedom Index shows that media freedom is increasingly at stake, not only in authoritarian countries

Protecting Journalism Sources in the Digital Age - Manuals

The ninth edition of UNESCO publications series on Internet Freedom is dedicated to the crucial relationship between investigative journalism and source protection

Online privacy for journalists. A must-have guide for journalists in 2017 - Manuals

 A guide for journalists and citizens on how to keep their data and sources anonymous when working in the cyberspace 

Protecting Sources and Whistleblowers in a Digital Age - Reports

Investigative journalism relies on information from confidential sources. This report portrays the current challenges for whistleblowers and makes recommendations for better protection of informants in the digital age

“Stakeholder-driven journalism” - Books

“Stakeholder-driven journalism” is the real future of watchdog reporting, a new book argues

Journalismfund: European cross-border grant - Opportunities

Journalismfund offers grants in support of teams of journalists investigating cross-border issues. 

Whistleblowing - Prof. Dirk Voorhoof at #ECPMF2016 Conference - HTML5 video

A detailed academic and practical insight by Professor Voorhoof into the case law of the ECtHR concerning access to information, protection of leaks, whistleblowing and journalists.

Panama Papers - Kristof Clerix at #ECPMF2016 Conference - HTML5 video

During the ECPMF Media Freedom Conference 2016 Kristof Clerix, journalists atKnack and ICIJ, spoke about the source protection in whistleblowing cases with a particular focus on Panama Papers

Grants fund investigative journalism - Opportunities

Journalists from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova can apply for grants for investigative journalism projects

Workshop: Investigative Journalism and Defamation Law in Greece - Opportunities

Joint ECPMF/EFJ/IPI event in Thessaloniki aims to strengthen reporting skills and legal awareness