Search %22Czech Republic%22

Search for "%22Czech Republic%22" returned 254 matches

Prison for defamation: a partially good news, the decision of the Italian Constitutional Court - Article

The MFRR partners welcome the decision of the Italian Constitutional Court but ask for more engagement by the Parliament: a reform of media laws is necessary to protect media freedom in the country

Bulgaria: MFRR partners ask the interim government to examine the state of media freedom in the country - Article

Improvement of the situation in Bulgaria needs significant will, as well as a broader recognition of the fundamental role that independent journalism plays for the society. MFRR asks the interim government to prioritise the investigation of threats and attacks against journalists

ENRC sues public watchdogs: an attempt to curtail freedom of expression and jeopardise anti-corruption efforts - Article

OBCT co-signed a statement by Index on Censorship on the abuse of lawsuits by Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation Limited

Urgent letter to Croatian Minister of Justice: Do not extradite Whistleblower Jonathan Taylor - Article

Together with WIN (Whistleblowing international network), we co-signed a letter to the Croatian Minister of Justice

MFRR raises concerns over increasing meddling in independence of Czech public broadcaster - Article

The partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) express their serious concern over the latest efforts by the ruling ANO party and its allies to further politicise the oversight body of the Czech public broadcaster.

We are worried that the slow-motion yet obvious efforts to stack the Council of the Czech TV (ČT Council) are ultimately aimed at the erosion of the public television’s independence and politically-motivated realignment of its news and opinion programming

Montenegro: Jovo Martinović's appeal rejected - Article

OBCT joined leading international press freedom and journalists’ organisations in condemning the continued judicial persecution of Montenegrin investigative journalist, Jovo Martinović after his appeal was rejected 

Czech Republic: concern over independence of public service media - Article

The MFRR partners have sent a letter to the members of the Czech Parliament regarding the politicisation of the Council of the Czech TV (Česká Televize, CT)


Country & Trend Reports on Democratic Records by Civil Liberties Organisations Across the European Union

Call for Applications for Training in Podcasting - Training

Reporters, editors and producers from six Western Balkans countries are invited to apply for a training in investigative podcasts led by prominent international trainers who produce podcasts for the Reveal and Bellingcat investigative journalism websites. Deadline 14 March 2021

Transnational Journalism Networks “From Below”. Cross-Border Journalistic Collaboration in Individualized Newswork - Academic Sources

This paper analyzes cross-border journalistic collaborations primarily initiated beyond large media organizations