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European Anti-SLAPP Conference 2022 - Article

On 20 October 2022, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE) will host the first ever European Anti-SLAPP Conference. The event is organised under the patronage of the European Parliament, with the support of the Council of Europe, and funded by the Open Society Foundations

Case Law, EU: RT France v. Council: General Court finds ban on Russia Today not a violation of the right to freedom of expression - Legal Resources

Throughout this article, Ronan Ó Fathaigh and Dirk Voorhoof, both legal scholars with expertise in freedom of expression, examine the decision of the General Court of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case RT France v. Council

Hungary: Media freedom groups welcome EU court referral over Klubrádió frequency - Article

Move by EU Commission is belated but important signal it will use legal toolbox to defend independent media

Albania: Letter to Prime Minister Edi Rama from international press freedom organisations - Article

OBCT signed a letter addressed to Albanian PM Edi Rama in protest against a decision to ban journalists from attending press conferences after they asked challenging questions. Such an arbitrary restriction seriously affects the ability of the press to carry out its watchdog role. Albanian translation is available below

Greece: MFRR partners welcome acquittal of journalists in Novartis criminal case - Article

Criminal case points to far deeper issues for press freedom in Greece

Netherlands: Press freedom organisations welcome policy debate on media freedom and journalists’ safety - Article

MFRR partners, Reporters Without Borders and the Committee to Protect Journalists welcome a letter from the Dutch Government proposing a policy approach on the protection of journalists and media freedom

CMPF’s contribution to the Call for Evidence on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) - Reports

In this contribution to the call for evidence on the European Media Freedom Act, CMPF analyses why such a measure is needed and what issues it should tackle

A joint statement on the European Media Freedom Act - Article

Along with 17 organisations, OBCT signs a joint statement to address issues around the forthcoming draft proposal for a European Media Freedom Act 

A letter to the incoming Czech Presidency on the European Media Freedom Act - Article

Ahead of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, we signed a letter to the Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala regarding the forthcoming European Media Freedom Act

CASE: Expert Brief on the European Commission’s EU anti-SLAPP Proposals - Article

The Coalition against SLAPPs in Europe gives an overview of the recent EU anti-SLAPP package adding its own recommendations, suggestions, amendments