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Search for "internet_ownership" returned 534 matches

Global Study: Gender Equality and Media Regulation - Reports

This report aims at understanding the situation regarding gender equality and its connection with freedom of expression in over 100 countries. With a focus on news media, it interrogates how media regulators worldwide have approached the mandate to promote and protect gender equality and women’s freedom of expression, whilst attending to obligations to uphold media freedom

Needs and Gaps Brief No. 2: Ireland - Article

The second of a series of briefs presenting the results of the forthcoming Needs and Gaps analysis

Curated by Maria Francesca Rita

European Media and Platform Policy (EuromediApp) - Stakeholders

European Media and Platform Policy (EuromediApp) is a Jean Monnet network dedicated to studying, analysing and discussing benefits and challenges of digital platforms in Europe and world-wide.

By bringing together knowledge and research capacity from all over Europe and beyond, EuromediApp provides space for national and transnational deliberation on how future digital services should and will be governed. Working papers, teaching material, workshops, conferences and dedicated schools for advanced students are our working tools.

EuromediApp operates for three years (2020 – 2023) along three modules:

  1. European political democracy (inclusion and exclusion, diversity and uniformity, trust and distrust);
  2. Quality of European (news) ecology, including journalism, individualised procedures of political information, populism, polarisation and depolarisation, personalisation, scandalisation, information/propaganda/misinformation; and
  3. European governance models of digital media and the internet by media/platform companies and governments, utopian and dystopian views of digital media and democracy.

Montenegro: Impunity must end for shooting of journalist Olivera Lakić - Article

MFRR praises cross-party approval of legislation strengthening protection of journalists

Poland: Media freedom groups urge President Duda to veto ‘Lex-TVN’ - Article

We signed a letter to President Duda urging him to apply a presidential veto to the so-called "Lex-TVN". The bill is not a principled and proportionate effort to protect the Polish information landscape, but a way to undermine one particular outlet that is part of a wider effort to “repolonise” the media

Media Freedom in the Age of Citizen Journalism - Books

This timely book explores how the internet and social media have permanently altered the media landscape, enabling new actors to enter the marketplace, and changing the way that news is generated, published and consumed

News Media Europe - Stakeholders

News Media Europe represents the interests of publishers of newspapers and news media on all platforms.

News Media Europe includes members from Belgium (Flanders), Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom. The associations from Hungary, Lithuania and Romania have an associated membership.

Open Letter to EU Policy-Makers: How the Digital Services Act (DSA) can Tackle Disinformation - Article

Written in August 2021,the letter examines the Digital Services Act (DSA), the EU’s draft law on internet safety and accountability, that would introduce sweeping change to our online environment. Unfortunately, the law does not tackle disinformation head on

The perils of legally defining disinformation - Legal Resources

Published in the Internet Policy Review, this article stresses that though EU policy considers disinformation to be harmful content, rather than illegal content, EU member states have recently been making disinformation illegal. It also discusses the definitions that form the basis of EU disinformation policy, and analyses national legislation in EU member states applicable to the definitions of disinformation, in light of freedom of expression and the proposed Digital Services Act

Remembering Daphne - Article

International civil society coalition marks fourth anniversary of the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia with renewed call for justice