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Search for "propaganda" returned 136 matches

Countering Online Harassment in Newsrooms: Strategies and Best Practices implemented in Finland - Reports

The report addresses issue of online harassment in Finnish newsrooms by a series of interviews with editors-in-chief, managing editors, web and social media editors, and staff and freelance journalists to better understand online harassment and how it is dealt with in Finland, as well as presenting an overview of situation of online harassment against journalists based on a survey by the Union of Journalists in Finland

Informational Autocrats - Academic Sources

The paper analyses the role of the media in establishing and maintaining modern-day authoritarian regimes. The authors offer a formal account of how such systems work, emphasising the importance of the gap in political knowledge between the “informed elite” and the general public as a key element of informational autocracy

The Oxygen of Amplification - Reports

The report, written by digital media scholar Whitney Phillips for Data&Society, shows how the far-right manipulated the media in 2016, discusses the relation between reporting and amplifying extremist ideology and suggests some tips to journalists on when and how to cover online harassment campaigns and manipulations

Tackling fake news, the Italian way - Legal Resources

As measures against fake news are widely debated across Europe, the protocol adopted by the Italian Interior Ministry on the eve of political elections, enabling the Postal Police to fact-check and report contents, has caused concern in the public debate

European Parliament resolution of 3 May 2018 on media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union (2017/2209(INI)) - Legal Resources

After the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta in October 2017 and Jan Kuciak in Slovakia in February 2018, three MEPs promoted the adoption of this Resolution and continued advocating for anti-SLAPP measures and intiatives to protect journalists

The Baltics: Mission to Tallinn & Vilnius - Reports

The report is the result of a a fact-finding mission realised by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) in Estonia and Lithuania in January 2018, aimed at investigating the media situation in the region

Turkey: Freedom of Expression in Jeopardy - Reports

The report, written for English PEN by two human rights experts, provides an overview of the state of freedom of expression in Turkey after the attempted coup in July 2016 and engages in a critical evaluation of the violations of the rights of writers, publishers, academics and within academic institutions

The fake news game: actively inoculating against the risk of misinformation - Academic Sources

Can a game in which participants create a fake news article help them spot misinformation in the real world? Researchers made an experiment in a high school in the Netherlands

Italian Online and Offline Political Communication Regulation: an Overview - Reports

In the lead-up of March 4, 2018 Italian elections and resting upon the experience of the last elections in the UK, France, Germany and the U.S., this report proposes an overview of the existing Italian legal framework regulating political communication during electoral campaigns

Free European Media - 2018 Edition - Books

On 15 February 2018 in Gdansk (Poland) in the framework of an international conference, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) launched a new book called "Free European Media" addressing new challenges faced by journalists around Europe