
832 results

The Oxygen Method: New lenses to see the hidden censorship - Manuals

Ossigeno per l’Informazione has published the manual "The new lenses against censorship" showing in detail the method of monitoring developed by Ossigeno and experienced in Italy, and its results

Crisis, Financialization and Regulation: The Case of Media Industries in Portugal - Academic Sources

The article gives an overview about the situation and the development of the Portuguese media sector and its ownership structures

France - Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 - Reports

Media Pluralism Monitor reveals low/medium risk for media pluralism in France

Italy - Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 - Reports

The MPM 2014 report shows a medium/high risk for media pluralism in Italy, based on medium levels of risk in all three realms considered

Travel guide to the digital world: surveillance and digital standards - Reports

The Guide on Surveillance and Digital Standards released by the Centre for Law and Democracy provides a survey of the digital surveillance landscape and the relevant international standards

Estonia - Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 - Reports

The implementation of the MPM2014 for Estonia shows a medium risk for media pluralism in the country, particularly in the economic field

United Kingdom - Media Pluralism Monitor 2014 - Reports

The implementation of the MPM2014 for the United Kingdom shows a low/medium risk for media pluralism in the country

Global Muckraking - 100 Years of Investigative Journalism from Around the World - Books

An anthology of outstanding investigative journalism, this book edited by Anya Schiffrin advocates for long-form, investigative journalism showing how it has helped, so far, changing the world

Bulgaria: The Age of the Oligarchs - Reports

Former journalist Stefan Antonov takes a snapshot of the increasing rule of oligarchy in Bulgaria after 2009, providing facts and figures

YouTube basics for journalists - Manuals

This booklet for journalists provides the reader with tools to build successful YouTube channels and measure those channels’ effectiveness over time