Search "Serbia"

Search for ""Serbia"" returned 8 matches

Media pluralism in a legal limbo in Serbia - Article

The allocation of national broadcasting frequencies in Serbia highlights the lack of transparency and pluralism in the sector. Frequencies are only awarded to government-friendly media. Concerns have been expressed by both the European Commission and the European Parliament

By Massimo Moratti

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

Media Pluralism Monitor 2022 - Monitoring tool

The Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) is a tool developed by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom to assess the risks for media pluralism in 32 European countries (27 EU Member States and 5 candidate countries). In its 2022 edition, it confirms the findings of the previous years

Media capture: Toolkit for 21st century autocrats - Article


©Text Vector/Shutterstock

The 8th of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents. 

European Broadcasting Union - Media Intelligence Portal - Datasets

The European Broadcasting Union collects raw datasets on the functioning of public service media across the countries which are part of EBU

Comparing models and demanding reforms of public service media in South East Europe - Reports

A comparative overview of funding and governing models of the public service media in the countries of South East Europe

The Future of Public Service Broadcasting in the Western Balkans: The Need for a New paradigm - Reports

Public Service Broadcasters (PSB) in the countries of the Western Balkans are in crisis. At stake is the very legitimacy of public service broadcasting in the region.

Media Integrity Matters - Reclaiming public service values in media and journalism - Books

This book by the South East European Media Observatory builds on and further develops research on democratic development of media systems in SEE, by focusing in particular on the concept of "media integrity" as a key element to assess and secure other components of functional media systems

Western Balkans and Turkey. Media and freedom of expression fact-finding and scoping study - Reports

This report commissioned by the European Commission provides four sets of recommendations with close to forty detailed action proposals aiming at improving institutional capacities in the Western Balkans and Turkey to ensure media freedom and freedom of expression